jPay Message #623

**(idk if this is actually a worthwhile post or if i was just bitching about people and it isnt actually entertaining or interesting at all. sit on it for awhile)

Despite giving lip service to loving everyone, it’s human nature to need someone to hate. You don’t even hate someone personally, but in the abstract.

In the world, this takes the form of loathing the sort of people who support the other presidential candidate or root for the Cowboys. You don’t actually hate individual people, you just want the collective group to suffer.

In here, you hate from pettiness. For me, it’s the people that fill up their water bottle, take their sweet ass time to drink it, and then refill it again, all while standing in front of the water fountain. As if to underscore their complete disregard for the surrounding world, they always go ” aaah” after every sip while there’s a line behind them.

I know I shouldn’t it let this bother me so much but it does. These types assume everyone else are just bit actors next to their star role in the movie of their life.

1 Comment

  1. jenmadeit16 says:

    I couldn’t agree more I did 19 months the ice machine in the summer and water!! Half the time it was broke or couldn’t keep up with the demand of ice . But some people just don’t use common sense get your shit and move on !


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